Saturday, September 8, 2007


My ibook is on its last legs I sad...I turn it on, it acts like it is loading...and it turns BLUE! So, I have to wait a while, a long while, and turn it on and it works for a while, freezes. ARRRGGGGHHHH! So, I am working on Kevin's laptop right now, I really need to get a new computer. I have been trying to back up all my stuff, but having trouble doing it because it keeps freezing! This is when having a teacher's salary is so not cool because I don't get a real paycheck for a month more! I have had my computer for almost 3 years, it's been dropped at least eight times, but I just can't believe the trouble I have had. So, do I buy another Mac laptop or do I go with a Mac desktop...I am really leaning towards the desktop because I feel like it would last longer. I am even considering the Mac mini to which Kevin replies, "Don't be so cheap!" Me cheap? He clearly hasn't been paying attention! LOL But, actually I am always looking for a deal, so I can buy more! Suggestions are really appreciated!

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